Friday, July 15, 2016

Forward head posture

If you're wondering why you're neck and shoulders are always tight, this may be your answer. 

Kyphosis is an abnormal curvature in the spine of the upper back where the shoulders appear rounded forward. Kyphosis is caused from improper posture, like long term forward head posture, and weakened muscles. This is most common in people that are constantly looking down at their phone or computer. If the incorrect posture is not addressed, it can become a long term problem. 

The posterior (back of the) neck muscles, and the pectoralis major and minor are tight and shortened. The upper back muscles including the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, and rhomboids are weak and stretched. The sternocleidomastoid muscle may also be tight, which can cause the jaw to protrude forward. 

Massage to these muscles can help reduce tension and discomfort. Strengthening of the weakened muscles would also be beneficial.

They say we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, and with forward head posture, we definitely do. The more forward the head goes, the more pressure put on the spine, and the heavier the head feels. The fix is easier said than done, but come see me and see if I can help! 

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